Monday, March 28, 2016

#Microblog Monday April Challenge - No Social Media

Microblog Monday - The April Challenge is a Social Experiment

I am going off the social grid for the month of April. You will find me here on my blog, by text, phone and email but not on social media.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin ...

What will I miss? Will there be more found time in my life?

Proclaiming this now instead of on April 1st ensures that people (who I don't know, but you know people) will not think it's an April Fools day prank.

My blogs facebook page and my twitter page will basically become an RSS feed for these posts. Any comments and messages on social media will not be seen until May 1st when I return. Is a blog considered social? Only if there is 2 way interaction would be my guess. Comment away here, I'd love to chat with you!

Has anyone else taken a social media break for an extended period of time? How did it go? Was it hard?

I find that I love social media on a day like yesterday. It was Easter and there were so many great posts from everyone's Easter Sunday festivities. Even those who were not celebrating Easter chimed in with posts about what they were doing on a sunny Sunday in March.

I've got a few days to go before this full fledged hiatus. Wish me luck!

All my best, Wendy

4/04/16 Update - Blogging and a month long social media hiatus just do not go hand in hand. Taking facebook, Twitter and Instagram off of my phone is the best I can do and it's been great. My email inboxes got cleaned up and I am pretty much keeping then that way. There were for sure things that I found I needed after I deleted the vast # of emails but found that I could easily get the information I needed other ways. Looking in my sent mail, calling the person who sent me what I needed in the first place and in a few cases just letting go. 


  1. I'm becoming a believer in this, although I'll probably keep my blog up. But I'm thinking of taking a Twitter break and a reading websites (not blogs, but newsites and that sort of thing). I'm feeling beat up by both right now, which means a break is a good idea. Good luck with it!

    (PS: the number of emails on that screenshot is ridiculous!)

    1. I knew someone would comment on the # of emails. Now I'll have time to keep up with them :)

  2. I have found myself trying to stay away from my phone. It has become almost an addiction to refresh all the different outlets I have at my fingertips. This is a good idea to try to break some of these habits...maybe I can do a week to start off with LOL

  3. An entire month!That's like two lifetimes, in social media years! *grin*

    I've taken breaks from social media before, but never with a specific time frame in mind. There were moments that it was very hard (when FOMO was in full tilt), but then there were times that I'd realized I'd barely thought about it for days.

    I wish you the best of luck with your challenge! :D

  4. I've not taken a long break from something (mostly FB), but I have tried to be more conscientious of my time spent there. It...sometimes works. :) Good luck!

    1. I have a feeling it's going to be hard.Thanks for sending good luck & thanks for reading & commenting!
