Monday, November 7, 2016

Microblog Monday - The 3 Reasons I Blog

Why do I blog?

I've started a couple of streaks - Microblog Monday and Wordless Wednesday. I am also doing a blogging challenge this month which is to post each day in the month of November. My own rules for this are that I am only posting on the weekdays.

Why do I do it? What are my goals?

1. Writing down my thoughts, feelings and observations is cathartic and perhaps there are readers out there who can relate to me.

2.  I find the idea of being a writer fascinating and for sure have a romanticized view of what a writers life would be like.  If you've ever seen the movie 'Love Actually' the character Jamie writes on an actual typewriter at his retreat on an idylic pond somewhere in England.

3.  Finding my writing voice has been a goal of mine for quite a while and if I keep writing I am hoping that I find it.  Is the great American novel inside of me? Would anyone read my memoir? Who knows but I am going to keep trying just in case.

Stay tuned for more from My Middleton Chronicles and if you have any advice, constructive criticism or an idea for the direction of my blog I'd love to hear about it.
Have a great Monday!



  1. I definitely agree with you! Writing to me is like a therapy after a long day at work. It helps let off the steam and clear my thoughts.

  2. Writing for yourself is the best. For me, I put it out all on a post there and sharing with you..

  3. Writing is therapeutic! I have done a few of the month long blogging challenges in the past and it definitely helps in clearing self doubts and in pushing our limits. All the best, Wendy!

  4. Writing is like therapy, isn't it? And your blog eventually becomes a chronicle of your thoughts, loves and passions - your journey in a way!

    <a herf=">Modern Gypsy</a>

  5. Hey, Wendy!
    As writing for you is cathartic, so it is for me. That's the reason I took to writing a blog. I, too have a vision for myself. All I feel is, that we need to keep working at it, working towards our goal. It's good that you are participating in these challenges. It will help your mind stay energised, and active, with more and more ideas for your writing. You never know, one day a novel might definitely take form!
    WIsh you the very best! :)

    1. Wishing you the best too! Keep working toward those goals and thanks for reading and commenting.

    2. Wishing you the best too! Keep working toward those goals and thanks for reading and commenting.
