Monday, September 26, 2016

Miracle Morning and Microblog Monday - That's a Mouthful!

"If I'd known then what I know now ..." Do you ever think about that and how things would have been different?

For me I think I could have avoided tons of anxiety had I known back during certain points in my life what I know now.  Hindsight tells me that things truly have a way of working themselves out. Maybe that's a charmed way of thinking and a big rude awakening is on it's way, I hope not.

One of the great things about the Miracle Morning is that it gets me in the right mindset to take on the day. My playlist for the exercise portion of the morning is the 'Happy' channel on Pandora. It's great for working out, cleaning and anytime you want something up beat on to keep you going.

As the Miracle Morning attempts continued this past week I found their Facebook group.
It's a huge group and it's inspiring to see that so many people are working on the same thing I am.

Stay tuned for more of My Middleton Chronicles and keep me honest in my challenge attempts. I'm in the home stretch with this one.



  1. If had known then what I know now...I wouldn't trade all of my messes for a thing. The past doesn't determine your now or your future, how you let the past play around in your present does. Great food for thought! ;)

  2. I wouldn't have done anything differently. If I put myself in that mindset, I feel like it's too close to a feeling of regret and who knows how that other decision would have turned out down the road anyway? I haven't heard of miracle morning. But now I'm going to look it up!

    1. Great comment and you are so right about regret. Let me know what you think of Miracle Morning. It's been good for me.

  3. Haven't heard of that but will check it out. Something that I apply now when I get too anxious is if the situation I am in will even matter 10 years from now. That helps me tackle it way better.

    1. Such a good way to think. You are so right so many things that are such a big deal right now will probably be gone from memory in 10 years. Such good perspective.

  4. Absolutely! In hindsight, everything looks different. But until you're in that period of time, you need to muddle through and feel whatever you're going to feel.

    1. So true! When in a time of transition I often try to picture how things will be and/or how I will feel in a week, a month, a year ...

  5. I try not to think about what I could/should have done differently :)

    I haven't listened to Pandora in forever, but the "Happy" channel sounds like it would be a great one to listen to while I'm trying to get my kids out the door for school!

    1. Yes the "Happy" channel would be great for the morning rush. Maybe you'll all dance out the door :)
